May 2024

I Colori dell’Estate 2021

A chi non piace l’Estate? Lunghe giornate di sole passate a fare il bagno al mare, mangiare gelati e ad […]

The Jewellery Museums Tour

The holiday season is here! You are probably preparing some visits you will make in regard to your selected destination. If you

Diamonds in Music

By now we all know very well that diamonds have always been the most fascinating and desired stone, therefore, it

Fluorescence in Diamonds

Imagine the scene, you are at a nightclub, ready to celebrate your recent engagement. Then, you pass under an ultraviolet

La fluorescenza nei diamanti

Immagina la scena, siete in un locale notturno, pronti a festeggiare il vostro recente fidanzamento. Poi, passi sotto una lampada

Il tour dei Musei del Gioiello

Le vacanze sono arrivate! Probabilmente stai pianificando alcune visite che farai una volta raggiunta la destinazione scelta. Se sei appassionato

I Diamanti nella Musica

Ormai sappiamo tutti molto bene che i diamanti sono sempre stati la pietra più affascinante e desiderata al mondo, quindi

La fluorescence des Diamants

Imaginez la scène, vous êtes dans une boîte de nuit, prête à célébrer vos récentes fiançailles. Ensuite, vous passez sous

Les diamants dans la musique

Nous savons tous très bien que les diamants ont toujours été la pierre la plus fascinante et la plus recherchée.

Let Your Dreams Bloom

Have you always dreamt about holding the world’s most magnificent creations in the palm of your hand? Well, we have

Lascia sbocciare i tuoi sogni

Hai sempre sognato di poter tenere nel palmo della mano le creazioni più belle del mondo? Bene, abbiamo ciò che

Laissez fleurir vos rêves

Avez-vous toujours rêvé de tenir les plus magnifiques créations du monde dans le creux de votre main ? Eh bien,

Autumn favourites

At the moment one of the most researched topics when it comes to fashion, is fashion trends for autumn 2021.

The Kimberley Process

Have you seen the movie Blood Diamond? If not, here is a short summary to refresh your memory. During the

Local Swiss Crafts

For a long time Switzerland has been known for its jewellery and watchmaking. As a matter of fact, the most

History of Diamond Cutting

The word diamond comes from the ancient Greek “adamas” which means indomitable. Its incredible properties of hardness gave it this

Gold: What You Need to Know

Gold has always been a classic choice when it comes to which type metal you want to use for your jewellery. It

Gen Z Clients

Gen Z is a rather new generation, but it has already proven to be the biggest consumer out of all

B for Blockchain

What do you think of blockchain? A very popular word nowadays, from cryptocurrency, traceability, transparency, and sustainability. Let’s delve deeper

Jewellery Storage Ideas

Knowing exactly where to store your jewellery can be challenging. We explore many options but somehow our necklaces or bracelets

Jewellery as a Gift

Gifts have always been an incredible way to cherish our loved ones. This age-old tradition is deeply anchored in our

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