Beyond the Boundaries of Imagination

Diamond painting is a simple and stimulating creative art that is enjoying considerable success among all DIY enthusiasts. It is a hobby that requires patience and dedication but is rewarded by the extraordinary colourful and decorative result.

But what exactly is it about?

Diamond painting is a form of mosaic art in which the artist applies shiny resins onto a pre-glued canvas that has corresponding numbers printed by all the colours of the diamonds. All the painter has to do is take a diamond and stick it onto canvas creating an amazing painting that sparkles like real diamonds.

This original and alternative art form has become extremely popular in the time of the Covid pandemic, and it is no surprise why. Very much like other hobbies such as cooking or playing an instrument, diamond painting doesn’t only meet the need to escape from everyday life, but it allows you to feel like an artist even if there’s not a creative bone in your body. Moreover, it’s fun, engaging, and also beautiful enough to hang on the wall.  But its benefits don’t end here! Indeed, fostering your artistic vein would seem to bring numerous advantages for your mental, emotional, and intellectual health.

Let’s have a look at some of them.

  1. It helps to release stress

Let’s be honest, we all live a hectic life: we always have a thousand thoughts in our heads, and balancing family and work can really be overwhelming. Diamond painting allows us to take a step back and just breathe, allowing us to switch off our brains and focus only on the moment. 

  1. Boost your concentration

Involving both logic and creativity, diamond painting trains your brain at developing and following patterns. We use logic when reading the pattern by picking a symbol and finding the colour associated with it from the chart. On the other hand, when we lay the tiles onto the canvas, we let our creativity free. These two activities activate both areas of our brain, developing coordination and concentration.

  1. Improve good quality sleep

If you are struggling to get your 8 hours’ sleep or if you’re simply suffering from a lack of sleep in general, your night-time routine might be the cause. I know that after a long day there is nothing better than lying in bed scrolling at social media or videos on YouTube but, instead of engaging with electronic devices before you go to bed you should consider finding a healthier alternative. Diamond painting might be the perfect solution for that! It’s relaxing, it clears your mind, and it will help you fight the feelings of anxiety and sadness, both of which can sometimes keep us up at night.

  1. Become a member of a colourful community

Whether you are an extrovert or a more private person, being a part of a big, caring community is certainly a feeling everyone enjoys. And with the diamond art painting growing and spreading all over the world, it’s becoming easier to find others who enjoy this hobby just as much as you! The internet has helped with that greatly. There are diamond painting groups everywhere on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, just to name a few. These online communities are especially important to those who are homebound and suffer from loneliness, since knowing that many people around the world share our same passion, makes us realise how connected we really are. 

  1. Stimulates creativity

Nowadays finding ways to express our creativity is becoming harder and harder.

When we were little, we used to follow art classes at school and spend our free time drawing, painting, doing puzzles, you name it. But as we grow up, responsibilities and duties force us to be serious and goofing around seems no longer acceptable.  

We often forget to have fun and be creative and this is a real pity.

According to psychologists, adults who set aside time for playing or doing creative activities are usually healthier and happier. 

If you are a little insecure about your artistic skills, don’t worry, everyone is creative, you just have to free your mind and have a go. Trust me the final result will surprise you.

So just pick up a diamond painting kit and let your inner artist run wild!

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