Let’s talk about innovation

Taking risks can be scary at times but it is essential to progress. This can apply to an industry or even on a personal level. Sometimes the craziest, out of the box ideas are the ones that work better and have amazing outcomes. It does not matter if  they are big or small ideas, anything  that can mean change has the potential to become revolutionary. 

It happens that you change something in your life and it works out so well for you that it becomes part of your daily routine or personal habits. We innovate and change everyday, even without realising and this natural process is to be celebrated!

The jewellery industry has seen an increase in popularity in these past years and the range in diversity that has been created is astonishing. There are many more brands now than there were in the past, this allowed the jewellery and fashion industry to become more versatile with each brand establishing their own personal style but always coming up with new trends and also establishing them when it comes to bigger companies. Jewels have also become more affordable than they were in the past. Not only because of the number of competitors but it also depends on which materials they use. Of course this does not take away the fact that brands often have similar items depending on what is trending but there is more freedom of creativity and originality without judgement. 

Here at Tim & Co. we care about innovation as this is our core fundament. We want to offer you new and creative possibilities that detach themselves from that classic idea of jewellery in order to leave space for new and exciting creations. Don’t get us wrong, we love the classics and we offer options that suit this style but for example, through our bespoke services you will be able to create something that has never been done before. 

We can take as an example of lab grown diamonds. They have become popular only recently, with more and more brands starting to test the waters with this eco-friendly solution to mined diamonds. This innovative solution, in our opinion, is a new beginning for the jewellery industry. With a combination of technology and skilled craftsmanship, we are able to produce our perfect diamond with the respect for nature in mind. Furthermore, with new generations being more conscious of where their products are made of and if they were ethically sourced, we see this market will be growing in the near future and rightfully so!

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