Author name: Margherita Laviani

As a passionate multicultural communication student at the University of Geneva, I strongly believe in the pivotal role of language and communication in the dynamic and ever-evolving multicultural world we live in.

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Summer Color Trends 2021

Who doesn’t like Summer? Long sunny days spent at the beach swimming, eating ice-creams, and admiring endless sunsets after a

I Colori dell’Estate 2021

A chi non piace l’Estate? Lunghe giornate di sole passate a fare il bagno al mare, mangiare gelati e ad

Diamonds in Music

By now we all know very well that diamonds have always been the most fascinating and desired stone, therefore, it

I Diamanti nella Musica

Ormai sappiamo tutti molto bene che i diamanti sono sempre stati la pietra più affascinante e desiderata al mondo, quindi

Les diamants dans la musique

Nous savons tous très bien que les diamants ont toujours été la pierre la plus fascinante et la plus recherchée.

Let Your Dreams Bloom

Have you always dreamt about holding the world’s most magnificent creations in the palm of your hand? Well, we have

Lascia sbocciare i tuoi sogni

Hai sempre sognato di poter tenere nel palmo della mano le creazioni più belle del mondo? Bene, abbiamo ciò che

Laissez fleurir vos rêves

Avez-vous toujours rêvé de tenir les plus magnifiques créations du monde dans le creux de votre main ? Eh bien,

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