Author name: Constantin Torroni

My passion for jewellery comes from my family, gemstone dealers for six generations. I had the luck to follow this path by obtaining my GIA diploma in New York. I look forward to continuing this wonderful legacy.

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The Diamond Rainbow

When you are searching for a diamond, one of the quality you are looking for is the purity of the […]

L’Arc-en-Ciel de Diamants

Lorsque vous cherchez un diamant, l’une des qualités que vous désirez obtenir est la pureté de la pierre précieuse. Dans

L’arcobaleno dei diamanti

Quando si è alla ricerca un diamante, una delle qualità che si cerca è la purezza della gemma. Nel caso

The Jewellery Museums Tour

The holiday season is here! You are probably preparing some visits you will make in regard to your selected destination. If you

Fluorescence in Diamonds

Imagine the scene, you are at a nightclub, ready to celebrate your recent engagement. Then, you pass under an ultraviolet

La fluorescenza nei diamanti

Immagina la scena, siete in un locale notturno, pronti a festeggiare il vostro recente fidanzamento. Poi, passi sotto una lampada

Il tour dei Musei del Gioiello

Le vacanze sono arrivate! Probabilmente stai pianificando alcune visite che farai una volta raggiunta la destinazione scelta. Se sei appassionato

La fluorescence des Diamants

Imaginez la scène, vous êtes dans une boîte de nuit, prête à célébrer vos récentes fiançailles. Ensuite, vous passez sous

The Kimberley Process

Have you seen the movie Blood Diamond? If not, here is a short summary to refresh your memory. During the

History of Diamond Cutting

The word diamond comes from the ancient Greek “adamas” which means indomitable. Its incredible properties of hardness gave it this

Jewellery as a Gift

Gifts have always been an incredible way to cherish our loved ones. This age-old tradition is deeply anchored in our

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