Gen Z Clients

Gen Z is a rather new generation, but it has already proven to be the biggest consumer out of all the other generations, and it is predicted to stay that way. 

It isn’t hard to believe that the generation born in the early 2000s who is used to being exposed and surrounded by many material comforts and affordable objects, will make up the biggest part of consumers in the next few years. I am Gen Z as well and I understand that growing up with the possibility of buying affordable items and having them delivered straight to my house in all the comfort possibly makes me want to buy more, because it is easy and somewhat rewarding.

Some of us also grew up with several social media platforms. On these platforms, you could pinpoint which specific trend was going on at that point in time and it was ridiculously easy to do so. You just had to see your favourite influencer, or what your friends were wearing to understand what was in style and what wasn’t. Some of us may also remember but would like to forget the times where galaxy inspired leggings were very trendy, especially seen on platforms like Tumblr, Instagram, or Pinterest. This in a big way inspired many of us young people, to access these styles quite easily and most importantly affordably. Social media platforms have created uniformity between people but on the other hand, more recently, also created a new sense and need for originality and individuality. This is why Gen Z is so eager to buy new things every so often they want to keep up with style and then ones who can afford it will also add a touch of originality to the new trends as we want the best of both worlds.

The need to keep up with trends has also developed the industry of fast fashion and Gen Z has been the biggest consumer and a contributing factor to their development. It is no secret that fast fashion has contributed to global pollution and terrible work conditions in developing countries for the sake of cheaper and more affordable materials.

It is also a great thing that this generation is so passionate about the environment and human rights because this will lead them to support businesses who actually care and share their own values. This is why at Tim & Co. we will provide you with a mix of originality and trends, made in a sustainable way, at the best price!Post navigation

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