Eternal Green

It’s important to know how certain pieces back in the ancient history influenced other industries centuries later. Emerald is one

The Jewellery Museums Tour

The holiday season is here! You are probably preparing some visits you will make in regard to your selected destination. If you

Diamonds in Music

By now we all know very well that diamonds have always been the most fascinating and desired stone, therefore, it

Il tour dei Musei del Gioiello

Le vacanze sono arrivate! Probabilmente stai pianificando alcune visite che farai una volta raggiunta la destinazione scelta. Se sei appassionato

The Kimberley Process

Have you seen the movie Blood Diamond? If not, here is a short summary to refresh your memory. During the

History of Diamond Cutting

The word diamond comes from the ancient Greek “adamas” which means indomitable. Its incredible properties of hardness gave it this

Gold: What You Need to Know

Gold has always been a classic choice when it comes to which type metal you want to use for your jewellery. It

A Short Story on Italian Jewellery

Italy has a rich and enduring history of jewellery. Numerous iconic jewellery brands, such as the globally renowned Bulgari, have found their origins in Italy.

The History of Wedding Rings

What is the symbol of everlasting love in a marriage? For almost everyone all over the world, the answer to that question is a wedding ring.

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