Diamonds Are Forever But We Can’t Take Forever For Granted

Did you know that in just 10 years more than 35% of our planet’s ecosystem will disappear? If you ever wondered whether you could delight yourself with a unique and tailored diamond jewel while taking an active step toward a brighter future, here is the answer.

… Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. 

It’s a cliché. From the beginning of time, they have been a symbol of timeless beauty and elegance, however, it is not news that their extraction process has long hidden a dark side. The history of reckless diamond mining not only led to the violation of human rights and conflicts, but it also had a devasting impact on our environment, leading to deforestations, relocation of entire villages, and the collapse of entire ecosystems.

Enchanted by the beauty of Nature, we are convinced that we have a key role to play in environmental and social responsibility by always working with respect towards People and the Planet. For this reason, we believe that laboratory-grown diamonds can be the final twist toward a more sustainable future.

But, can all that glitters … also be ethical and environmentally responsible?

Laboratory-grown diamonds are made by replicating the natural process of diamond evolution and have the same chemical structure and properties as any other diamond found in nature. Their production in a laboratory is carefully monitored by experts who are strictly committed to the Kimberley Process in order to guarantee complete transparency and traceability of all our products to our clients.

Sounds too complicated? Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think. Like natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are made of carbon going through high-temperature and high-pressure making them impossible to differentiate at the naked eye. Thanks to this system, we promote a responsible and ecological philosophy significantly reducing our carbon footprint and gas emissions.

So, what if I tell you that you could have the jewel of your dream while actually making a step toward a more ethical and sustainable future?

Let your personality shine!

If you have ever dreamt about having a unique jewel that tells your story and sparkles as much as you, with us you can see your dream come true only in few weeks. Working in a laboratory, we can create a high-quality, exclusive diamonds with a broad spectrum of colours, size, and shape at more affordable prices in only a few weeks compared to millions of years for natural ones.  However, if you feel that a natural diamond will suit you more, no worries, we have got you covered! At Tim & Co. we are strongly committed to responsible mining and to the ethics of all our processes , therefore, we strive to guarantee that every step of a diamond journey is made in the respect of environmental regulations to contribute to the conservation of our beloved planet.

Interesting right?

Even if you can’t see it, laboratory-grown diamonds are now increasingly widespread, and more and more people have decided to orientate their choices toward a sustainable luxury world. Actresses, singers, and even royals have already decided to be a part of this change. And you? What are you waiting for?

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