Margherita Laviani

“As a passionate multicultural communication student at the University of Geneva, I strongly believe in the pivotal role of language and communication in the dynamic and ever-evolving multicultural world we live in.”

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Let your dreams bloom

Let your dreams bloom Have you always dreamt about holding the world’s most magnificent creations in the palm of your hand? Well, we have what you are looking for! Undeniably, some things are intended to change continuously while others last forever, and especially in these unpredictable times, having certainties it’s more …

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Diamants & Technologie

Avoir des défauts n’est peut-être pas si mal Qui a dit que les diamants ne plaisaient qu’aux femmes ? Étonnamment, ils sont également très populaires parmi les chercheurs scientifiques, qui ont trouvé le moyen d’exploiter cette pierre exceptionnelle pour créer quelque chose d’extraordinaire. Récemment, un groupe de recherche international a …

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Diamonds & Technology

Having flaws is perhaps not so bad Who says that diamonds only appeal to women? Surprisingly, they are also very popular among scientific researchers, who have found a way to exploit this amazing stone to create something extraordinary. Recently, an international research group created an extremely powerful computer precisely by …

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